Die Verhaftung des Johann Nepomuk Nestroy

The Arrest of Johann Nepomuk Nestroy

Dieter Berner
Vienna: 1833: The return of his unfaithful wife Wilhelmine brings turmoil to the life of Nestroy, the comic.
Technical Data
Running time: 90
Format: Super-16mm
Sound: Heinz Ebner, Georg Berner
Language spoken: German
Subtitles: English
Production year: 2000
Director(s): Dieter Berner
Writer(s): Dieter Berner (based on the novel by Peter Turrini)
Cinematography: Charles Finkbeiner
Editing: Britta Nahler
Key cast: Fritz Karl, Eva Herzig, Meriam Abbas, Nicholas Ofczarek, Michael Schottenberg
Producers: Danny Krausz, Kurt Stocker
Production company
DOR FILM Produktion GmbH
Bergsteiggasse 36
1170 Vienna
tel:+43 1 427 10 11