Kleine Perestrojka

Bernhard Pötscher
Kyrgyzstan - what looked like freedom in 1991 never politically materialised. To this day the country remains in systemic turmoil. Bernhard Pötscher focuses less on external politics and more on the personal, subjective exposure to change, exemplified by the photographer Shailo Djekshenbaev. The metaphorical "Little Perestroika" manifests itself in his work, in his observations, like when the photgraphs cracks in the former airfield, but is forced to stop due to lighting conditions. A film about waiting for change, for liberation.
Technical Data
Running time: 90
Format: Digital
Production year: 2012
Director(s): Bernhard Pötscher
Writer(s): Bernhard Pötscher
Cinematography: Bernhard Pötscher
Editing: Bernhard Pötscher
Producers: Bernhard Pötscher
International Sales
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1070 Vienna
tel:+43 1 526 09 90