Manaslu – Berg der Seelen

Manaslu – Mountain of the Spirit

Since 1996, Hans Kammerlander has held the record for the fastest ascent on the north route to the summit of Mount Everest, of 16 hours and 40 minutes, followed by the first ski descent from the highest mountain in the world. This outstanding achievement made him world famous. Yet he experienced his most painful moment in 1991 on Mount Manaslu in Nepal, where he tragically lost two of his best friends.
Technical Data
Running time: 100
Format: digital
Screen ratio: 1:2.39
Language spoken: German
Production year: 2018
Writer(s): Gerald Salmina
Cinematography: Günther Göberl
Editing: David Hofer
Producer: Gerald Salmina
Awards (selection): Prize for Innovative Production Services (Graz/Diagonale)
Production company
Planet Watch Film & Video Productions GmbH
Pirkhofweg 25
9210 Pörtschach
tel:+43 664 340 54 10