Film ist. (7-12)

Gustav Deutsch
The actors/acrobats get into one literal cliffhanger after another, dangling from the façades of skyscrapers and climbing up ladders which extend into the sky. Early cinema explored thousands of different methods of slipping and falling photogenically, seemingly to the very extreme. By 1925, all tricks and innovative gags had been used up, and since then film has become more calm, varying its established paces and falls and moving from physical back to psychological material. Deutsch's found footage is peopled with recycled figures and the undead: Early films reproduce the formerly living beings who allowed themselves to be captured on celluloid, though as no more than faded reflections.
Technical Data
Running time: 93
Format: 35mm
Screen ratio: 1:1.37
Sound: Stereo
Production year: 2002
Director(s): Gustav Deutsch
Producer: Gustav Deutsch
Producers: Manfred Neuwirth
Production company
loop media
Neubaugasse 40a
1070 Vienna
tel:+43 1 317 71 24