Operation White Christmas

Flo Lackner
Enis, a debt-ridden owner of Carinthia's last video rental store, gets help from his Korean hacker girlfriend. They find Bob, a deranged businessman in the darknet, willing to pay off the debts. However, Bob's condition is to stop the Kazakhstani president's Christmas Eve state visit. Enis and his friend enlist a notorious skinhead for help. Mission impossible?
Technical Data
Running time: 100 min
Format: DCP
Language spoken: German
Production year: 2023
Director(s): Flo Lackner
Writer(s): Flo Lackner
Cinematography: Joe Berger
Editing: Daniel Hofer
Key cast: Rauand Taleb, Yvonne Yung Hee Bormann, Tim Wilde, Tim Seyfi, Simon Hatzl, Roland Düringer, Dany Sigel, Andreas Vitàsek, Franz Buchrieser, Petra Morzé
Producers: Thomas Hroch, Gerald Podgornig
Production company
Mona Film Produktion GmbH
Marokkanergasse 23/4+5
1030 Vienna
tel:+43 1 513 11 15