Stiftgasse 6
1070 Vienna, Austria
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tel: +43 1 526 33 23

Ruth Beckermann
»I think memories constantly become reconstructed. That applies to our individual memories, depending on the priorities
we impose in the present. And collective, national stories are constantly being modified and rewritten, depending on the requirements
of the present.«
Ruth Beckermann about THE WALDHEIM WALTZ
Filmography (Selection)
2024 | Favoriten | (doc.) |
2022 | MUTZENBACHER | (doc.) |
2018 | Waldheims Walzer | (doc.) |
2016 | Die Geträumten | (fiction) |
2013 | Those Who Go Those Who Stay | (doc.) |
2011 | American Passages | (doc.) |
2006 | Zorros Bar Mizwa | (doc.) |
2001 | homemad(e) | (doc.) |
1999 | Ein flüchtiger Zug nach dem Orient | (doc.) |
1996 | Jenseits des Krieges | (doc.) |
1990 | Nach Jerusalem | (doc.) |
1987 | Die papierene Brücke | (doc.) |
1987 | Auf amol a Streik | (doc.) |
1983 | Wien retour | (doc.) |
1977 | Arena besetzt | (doc.) |