

Ludwig Wüst
A visit between girlfriends is captured in real-time: sparkling wine, cigarettes and a lack of communication that is implicitly humorous. Suppressed feelings reach their tipping point and burst forth when triggered by something seemingly peripheral, which poses a genuine emotional test. Parallel to this, the camera proceeds to close in on the scene and the protagonists in a near imperceptible zoom. Coming to terms with one’s past as a structurally composed, cinematic experiment. Consistent, raw, compelling.
Technical Data
Running time: 75
Language spoken: German
Production year: 2014
Director(s): Ludwig Wüst
Writer(s): Ludwig Wüst, Claudia Martini
Cinematography: Klemens Koscher
Editing: Samuel Käppeli
Key cast: Claudia Martini, Martina Spitzer
Producers: Ludwig Wüst, Matthias Reiter-Pázmándy
Production company
Nordbahnstraße 24/30
1020 Vienna
tel:+43 699 13 19 35 40