The Punishment

Goran Rebic
The Punishment tells the story of the difficulties and uncertainties of life in Belgrade, the capital of the Republic of Yugoslavia, from the NATO bombardment to the millennium celebrations. In personal encounters with a wide variety of the city's residents, a picture of a "different Serbia" is painted, of what its citizens are thinking and feeling, this is a portrait far removed from the image presented by "enemy" media.
Technical Data
Running time: 91
Format: 35mm
Language spoken: Serbian/English/German
Subtitles: German, English
Production year: 2000
Director(s): Goran Rebic
Writer(s): Goran Rebic
Cinematography: Jerzy Palacz
Editing: Martin Matusiak
Producer: Goran Rebic
Producers: Franz Novotny, Karin Novotny
Production company
Novotny & Novotny Filmproduktion
Weimarerstraße 22/4A
1180 Vienna
tel:+43 1 478 71 70
Sincma Dizajn (YU)